Who We Are

WACM is the University of Wisconsin-Madison's student chapter of ACM-W, ACM's Women in Computing. We provide social, educational and outreach activities for women in the Computer Sciences department, in the university, and in the surrounding community.

How to Contact Us

To get in touch with us about events, please email Sonia Cromp (President).

Our Team


Kayley Seow

Cathy Cao


Carol Sze

Shefali Sanwal

Mentoring Chair

Pooja Yadav

Zinnia Nie

Amanda Xu

Lakshika Rathi

Activities Chair

Kate Schulte

Rea Mammen

Trisha Rajesh

Zahabiyah Boty

Alka Lakadia

Biweekly Chair

Nora Tseng

Deepa Venkatachalapathi

Aradhia Bhagat

Emili Robles

Web and Social Media Chair

Zoe Kung

Inniya Santhanakrishnan